Top benefits of using Neem leaves

Neem or Azadirachtaindica is a very common tree that you can easily spot in every neighborhood. However, are you well aware of the benefits of this tree and its leaves? Each and every part of this tree, starting from bark and leaves to its stems, has immense medicinal properties. The flowers, fruit, and roots are not common for medicinal usage, but you can still find them in use sometimes.

You can use neem leaves to cure the following health issues:

  • Leprosy
  • Bleeding Nose
  • Stomach problems
  • Eye disorders
  • Attack intestinal worms
  • Skin ulcers
  • Loss of appetite
  • Heart diseases as well as cardiovascular disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Gum problems like gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Liver disorders
  • As a birth control tool since neem leaves facilitates abortion

If you have malaria, you can use the bark of neem to cure it. Other uses of neem bark include treating intestinal and stomach ulcers, reducing pain, skin diseases and fever. You may use the flower for controlling phlegm, treat intestinal worms and even reduce bile production. The fruit of neem helps you to cure urinary tract diseases, hemorrhoids, bleeding nose, intestinal worms, phlegm, leprosy, and diabetes. You may also use the fruit to treat eye disorders and heal wounds effectively and rapidly.

Seed oil and seeds of neem can help you with birth control benefits, and also treat intestinal worms and leprosy. Neem is an antiseptic agent so you can use its stem, fruit and root bark as an astringent and tonic. You can use neem twigs and stems for curing asthma, cough, low sperm count, diabetes, intestinal worms, and urinary disorders.

Instead of using toothpaste and toothbrushes for cleaning your teeth, you can chew neem twigs for keeping your teeth healthy. To keep your skin healthy, you can directly apply neem paste to treat lice on your head, and skin ulcers. You may even consider using neem paste for healing wounds quickly, for softening your skin and treat other skin problems.

Health benefits offered by neem:

If you read ancient textbooks on Ayurveda, you will find the mention of neem in them. Neem contains a lot of beneficial phyto-compounds such as Nimbin, ninbinene, nimbolide, nimbinen, and nimandial. All these phytochemicals have antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help you to boost your immune strength. Since you will find all these compounds present in neem, it makes neem a medicinal plant. Antifungal agents like nimbidol and gedunin present in neem leaves help in treating fungus in your nails, ringworm, and athlete foot.

Neem helps in improving your immune system to fight microbial infections, as well as detoxifies your blood. It stimulates the proper functionality of your liver, and overall ensure a healthy digestive and respiratory system. You can use neem leaves to treat malaria, by applying it on your skin as a mosquito repellent.

  1. Fights viral diseases

The extract that you get from neem leaves on crushing, helps in absorbing and eliminating viruses from your body. Neem paste helps you to cure skin warts, smallpox, and chicken pox. If you are affected with herpes simplex virus (HSV), use neem extract as it is toxic to the virus. You will experience a faster healing process on applying the paste on affected zones. To relieve yourself from cold sores, you can prepare a tea out of neem leaves to make a magic infusion. Treat viral skin diseases like eczema, itching, inflammation, and irritation with neem leaf extract.

  1. Improves your heart health

Neem leaves work as a blood cleanser, by removing all toxic elements from your circulatory system. To control your blood sugar level, drink neem extract by infusing it with boiling water. Neem also acts as an antioxidant, fighting free radicals generated in your body cells. It helps in dilating your blood vessels to improve overall blood circulation and relaxes irregular heartbeats and high heart rate. This is, in turn,enriches your heart functioning and keeps you away from cardiac arrests, high blood pressure, and strokes.

  1. Cancer

You can lessen the risk of cancer and tumor cell formation by consuming neem leaves. Neem has various polysaccharides and limonoids that helps to alleviate cancer progression.

  1. Acts against poison.

If you get any sort of insect bite, use neem extract on the affected area. Neem has anticlotting factors present in it to cure ulcers, inflammation and even poisons.

How effective is neem for your skin?

  • Helps as a moisturizer- you can use neem leaves in the form of a paste to keep your skin soft and healthy. If you have any scars or pigmentation due to acne, neem is the solution! You can heal minor wounds by mixing neem extract with turmeric paste and apply on the injured area.
  • Fights acne- you can store the green extract of neem in a bottle and use it directly on your skin to treat acne. If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the extract by adding little water to it and then apply. You can use a face pack containing neem extract to treat problems related to acne, blackheads, and pimples.
  • Skin toning- neem leaves work as wonders as a skin toning agent. Instead of using a chemical toner, go for natural neem extract. Take a cotton swab and dip it in neem water after boiling it. Apply gently on your skin before going to bed at night. This potion will help you get a rejuvenating and healthy glowing skin the next morning.

Can you use neem extract for hair care?

Yes, of course, you can! This medicinal plant has so much to offer that you cannot even think of. Take a handful of fresh neem leaves and add them in a cup containing boiling water. You can now use this neem infused water for rinsing after you shampoo your hair. Since it got antibacterial properties, it will help you cure hair loss problems, dry scalp, and dandruff issues.

Neem has a lot of health benefits but you should remember to use it under controlled measures. Make it your daily routine for using neem extracts to take good care of your skin, hair and overall health.