Vape: The Better Alternative to Smoking

Vape: The Better Alternative to Smoking

Smoking is an absolute epidemic. That’s a fact that has been known for decades now, and it’s something health care professionals and government organizations have been working tirelessly to overcome. Up until a few years ago, really the only way for a smoker to beat out their habit and get healthier was for them to quit “cold turkey”, which proved to be extremely challenging over and over again.

That’s when the introduction of nicotine patches and other quit aids helped to make it a tad bit easier, but clearly not easy enough. Smoking, despite its obvious and well-researched health effects, continues to be commonplace, even with most smokers saying they’d rather quit. The problem, of course, is that smoking is extremely addicting.

So, when vape was introduced as a smoke-free alternative that could provide the same kind of social outlet and personal enjoyment, without nearly as many health effects, it began taking off almost overnight. Fast forward to 2018 and it is beginning to overtake smoking. Along with that, UK box mods for vapers have also taken off.

New box mods allow for vapers to get the truly unique hit they’ve been searching for. They’re also entirely regulated, which makes them completely safe to use–giving you peace of mind. If you’re a smoker and you’re trying to make a change for the better, switching to vaping might be the right way forward, and with a box mod, you can make vaping a very enjoyable experience. Perhaps even more so than traditional cigarettes.

With a mix of flavors and vape liquids that you can enjoy, vaping is definitely a more diverse and easily personalized option compared to boxed cigarettes. The MIQRO vaporizer is an enjoyable source of vaping that will be exciting and great for you to use over and over again. Not only does that make vaping in itself more exciting, but it also makes it easy for most smokers to switch from cigarettes to healthier vape alternatives. A box mod can help make the transition even smoother.