Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure that is not known to a lot of people. This procedure is among the most discussed topics by dermatologists. Patients with wrinkles, acne, clogged pores or uneven skin tone use the procedure to improve the condition of their skin. Microdermabrasion treatments require patience and you will notice results after a few treatments. They also require you to protect your skin from the sun. You need anesthesia before the procedure since it can be a little painful.
What to consider before microdermabrasion
- If you have lupus, eczema, herpes or open sores, you should consider seeking medical advice first.
- You need to know what you want the procedure to do for you.
- Consider whether you want to use a home kit or visit a dermatologist.
- If you are in your twenties, you should not expect too much from the procedure. The procedure seems to work best for those aged between 35 and 55.
- If you get exposed to the sun every day, you should consider buying sunscreen which will help protect your skin from the sun after the procedure.
- Consider how much you want to spend on the procedure. You need to research properly before going for the procedure. Visit a few clinics and ask a few people who have tried it about the results they received from it. Remember that everyone who has ever tried the procedure received results no matter how small they were.
Benefits of microdermabrasion
- It helps exfoliate and remove dead skin cells.
- It reduces wrinkles, acne scars and fine lines on your skin. The results may vary from person to person. Some people will see results as soon as after the fourth treatment while others require more than 5 treatments to see any results.
- Helps reduce hyper pigmentation and age spots which may have been caused by too much exposure to the sun or cold weather.
- It is safe and cost effective.
- Helps stimulate the flow of blood to the skin. Accompanied by proper nutrition and increased water intake, it also improves cell production and skin elasticity.
The procedure takes around 30 minutes on your face and may take longer if you want it on other body parts. The skin will be sensitive to sunlight after the procedure so try not to expose your skin to the sun. If you must go out in the sun, be sure to use sunscreen. If you have not tried the procedure before, go to a qualified aesthetician or dermatologist. This will help prevent too much bleeding which may mean that the procedure was too aggressive. Ask about his or her training and any question about the procedure that might be worrying you.
What to do after the procedure
- Buy some sunscreen and cloths that will help protect your skin from the sun.
- Drink a lot of water and eat a balanced diet. Eating lots of fruits will make your skin to glow.
Buy skin care products that will help nourish your skin.