What Are The Changes In Women During Menopause

Changes In Women During Menopause

So the first question striking one’s mind would be, what is menopause? Menopause is basically a point in a woman’s life at around 40-50 years of age when her menstrual cycle comes to termination. During this time, the ovaries stop ovulating and the estrogen levels start falling. This decrease in the estrogen level lowers the bone mass and increases the risk of osteoporosis. Usually it strongly advisable to consult the best specialists like Victorian Bone & Joint – Knee Specialist in Melbourne for the easy-drifting of this phase, to take care of your health and body conditions during this episode. Here are some symptoms and changes in a women body and nature during her menopause:

  • Insomnia:

When a woman is about to reach Menopause, she has difficulty sleeping. Either her sleep schedule gets messed up and she craves the mid-day off-hour sleep, or she cannot sleep at all and feels tired all day, basically called insomnia.

  • Joint pain:

One of the most ignored issues is joint pain. People usually consider this condition as something that happens to everyone, regular joint pain due to excess work and tiredness. Well, it is very important to focus on this during these ages in a woman and to be taken care of. 

  • Hot or cold flashes:

While busy with her daily chores, if a woman gets a sudden feeling of warmth that spreads all over her body, it is called a hot flash. Another symptom could be night sweats or cold flashes. This, if repeated, should be taken into consideration sincerely and should be thought about. 

  • Mood swings:

If you or a lady in your house gets easily irritated one minute and gets emotional the other, gets pleased one minute and angry the other, this could either indicate that she is going through her menstrual cycle or, if repeated, could mean that she is reaching menopause.

  • Bone or calcium deficiency:

So as we talked about earlier, the hormone estrogen starts getting secreted at a low pace causing the bone mass to fall off and leads to its deficiency. The most advisable suggestion here would be getting calcium tables, and the food rich in protein and calcium. For extreme conditions, one should not refrain from consulting a doctor and getting proper medication.

  • Irregular menstruation:

Another noticeable change during this transition period would be irregular menstrual cycles. There could actually be a whole lot of judgments for this change but once it starts getting too noticeable and the irregularity continues, it directly points towards menopause. The cycle can also be comparatively heavier or lighter than usual denoting the same.

  • Weight gain or loss:

Women reaching menopause have a lot going on in their bodies. Hormonal changes, physical and emotional changes, all can have adverse effects on the body and have consequences on weight. In some cases, a gain in weight is observed whereas, in most of the cases a gain in weight is observed. Stress and irritation due to all these changes can also cause weight fluctuations.