7 Ways for Busy Students to Follow Healthy Nutrition

7 Ways for Busy Students to Follow Healthy Nutrition

Having a healthy diet is probably the most important aspect of our lives. Our daily life stops completely when our health is on the edge. Therefore, we should try and prevent these health “disasters”.

Did you know that our nutrition has been linked with our emotional, physical and cognitive health? This means that our nutrition is responsible for our overall health. Every disease comes from poor nutrition, so we must definitely pay attention to what we put into our mouths.

As a student, you should understand that taking care of your nutrition and transforming it into a habit could really make a major difference in your life as well as in your education.

The average student is always under a lot of stress and pressed for time, so he is only eating fast food. Living this kind of lifestyle won’t let you build good and healthy habits because you’re always on the run. Even so, you should at least try to form a healthy eating habit.

You definitely won’t regret it. Your stress levels will decrease and your overall class performance will increase substantially. And let’s not forget about your look which will change for the better. Nevertheless, the only intelligent thing left to do is to start eating healthy. How do you do that? Well, by following these 7 practical tips, you will notice and feel the difference from day one.

  1. Eat a BIG Breakfast

Starting your day with a satisfying breakfast will put you in a good mood and boost your scholastic achievements. When you don’t have enough time to prepare it, try not to skip it for good. Just grab some fruits and eat them on your way. If you skip breakfast your energy and motivation will decrease throughout the day.

  1. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand
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This is the only way in which you won’t have an excuse to eat from that delicious vending machine. If you are getting hungry, you will have some healthy snacks waiting for you in your backpack. Anything from fresh and dried fruits to unbuttered popcorn can be a healthy snack.

  1. If You Want to Lose Weight, Do it Gradually

Starving yourself or using wonder diets will do you more harm than good. All those theories that tell you to eat different combinations of food in order to lose weight are just marketing techniques.  Therefore, if you really want to lose weight, just keep a balance diet and exercise.

  1. Don’t Rely On Coffee!

Drinking a lot of coffee will only overload your liver and dehydrate you while increasing your risk of blood sugar irregularities. If you overload your liver, your chances of developing a disease or ofgaining weight will escalate quickly. Eliminating coffee from your diet will be a wise choice. You can replace it with green or black tea.

  1. Limit Your Alcohol Intake

As you already know, alcohol dehydrates you and increases your appetite. I know that asking a student to slow down on alcohol won’t really make a big difference.

For example, John Smith, a student that works as a writer at AustralianWritings, can tell us that only by regulating his daily alcohol intake he managed to lose 10 pounds and became more proactive in his daily challenges. Healthier alternatives can be red wine and light beer. Would you give it a try?

7 Ways for Busy Students to Follow Healthy Nutrition food on white space

  1. Avoid White Processed Foods

Instead of eating foods made out of white flour in which nutrients are significantly reduced, you can replace them by eating brown rice, quinoa and whole grain bread. Try lowering your overall processed food intake as much as possible. Eating raw food is one of the best ways to preserve your health.

  1. Avoid Eating Late
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In order to avoid gaining unnecessary weight, you should stop eating after 8 pm. Why? During the night, your metabolism is slowing down because your body is preparing for sleep. Therefore, if you have lunch at 10 pm, your organism will most probably stick it to your bones. You will wake up with two more pounds on your belly. Just kidding, but still, watch carefully what and when you are eating!


As a student, it can be pretty difficult to keep a healthy lifestyle, and much harder to create healthy eating habits. If you really want to motivate yourself to implement these habits, you should keep reminding yourself that nutrition is your golden ticket to an active and healthy life. Your future self will appreciate it if you start eating healthy from this day forward.

Jessica Freeman guest post author bioJessica Freeman is a blogger and freelance writer from Sydney, Australia. She enjoys covering various topics, from education and technology to motivation and productivity. She also has her own blog where she presents top writing tips. Follow Jessica on Google+ and Twitter.