Top Four Supplements That Nurses Need to Be Taking this winter to Stay Healthy

Top Four Supplements That Nurses Need to Be Taking this winter to Stay Healthy

While working in the healthcare industry as a nurse practitioner is a noble and rewarding career choice, it can also be a career that takes its toll on your health, especially during the winter months. You are exposed to your fair share of the typical germs that circulate at this time of year, which makes you more prone to picking up something yourself.

If you are just finishing up your online doctoral nursing programs at a school like Bradley University and you’re about to enter the field for the first time, then you’ve been focusing on your studies and will no doubt be well prepared in that sense. What that nurse practitioner doctorate degree won’t provide you with is the built-up immunity that more seasoned nurses already have. So, what can you do to stay as healthy as possible this winter? Here are four supplements that you will want to look into.

Vitamin C

This first supplement should come as no surprise, as people have known the benefits of vitamin C for quite some time now. While vitamin C won’t actually stop you from getting sick in the first place, it has been shown to help shorten the duration of the cold allowing you to get back to your normal self that much faster.

Keep in mind the busier you are and the more stress you are under in your job, the more likely you are to get sick in the first place. Taking vitamin C on a regular daily basis is always recommended.

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There’s no need to add copious amounts of garlic to all your dishes, instead you can reach for a garlic supplement which will get to work fighting those germs. The idea is to take this supplement on a regular daily basis in order to help prevent colds and to shorten the duration of them when you do get sick.


Here’s one that has picked up steam over the past couple of years as another powerful tool in helping to fight colds. Zinc lozenges and zinc syrup has now become a go-to item to help fight upper respiratory infections. Again, it won’t be able to cure you, but it is believed to help shorten the duration of the cold.

American Ginseng

It’s important to also mention ginseng which can be found in a number of different popular cold-fighting supplement blends or on its own. When shopping for ginseng be sure to look for North American ginseng and aim for 200 mg/day to help prevent a cold. You can up that dosage while you are sick.

Get Started with Them Today

So, if you’re looking for a way to make your first year in the healthcare industry as a nurse practitioner a successful one, boosting your immune system with these supplements is a good place to start. You will be helping your body to fight the germs and at the very least get over colds that much faster.