The Hazardous Effects of Methandrosternolone

That Hazardous Effects of Methandrosternolone man body

Methandrosternolone or also known as metandienone, is a synthetic drug and is orally active anabolic-androgenic steroid.

It is sold in the market under the brand name Dianabol, used primarily by bodybuilders and athletes to help elevate their performance and lean body mass increase.

One such celebrity who used to take Dianabol is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Athletes and lifters usually use Methandrosternolone together with other steroids such as nandrolone, trenbolone and testosterone (this is called stacking).

In the US and UK, Methandrosternolone is a controlled substance but remains popular among lifters due to its potent anabolic effects.

Widely regarded as the “lifter’s choice” of drugs in the bodybuilding community, Dianabol can increase your strength dramatically, improves your endurance and stamina exponentially and can give you massive pumps during workouts.

So why is this drug not good for you?

That Hazardous Effects of Methandrosternolone needle

Infamous for Side Effects

Methandrosternolone was previously an approved agent for hypogonadism treatment. But it has since discontinued and withdrawn in most countries due to a variety of side effects.

Of course, adverse health effects are also risks for bodybuilders who use this substance.

Some of the reported side effects include oily skin, acne, seborrhea, increased facial/body hair, and virilization may also occur.

A more physique altering effects are also highly possible such as gynecomastia ( offers a supplement that can help reverse gynecomastia) and fluid retention is also commonly reported.

Above all, extended use of Methandrosternolone can lead to liver damage (without appropriate precautions) and death.

That Hazardous Effects of Methandrosternolone d-bal

Use Methandrosternolone Alternative Formula

If you want the muscle gaining power of Methandrosternolone without its side effects, then you are better off using steroids.

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These products are not worth taking the risk as the side effects are real and anabolic effects are temporary.

What you need are alternative formulas that are equally effective, but perfectly safe – anabolic dietary supplements.

Most bodybuilders today don’t use steroidal drugs anymore as they know the risks involved.

They opt to use dietary supplements that are formulated to deliver powerful anabolic effects without harmful adverse health effects.

For Methandrosternolone, one of the bestselling and widely used steroid alternative is called D-Bal by Crazy Bulk.

While there are tons of diet supplements that claim to deliver results similarly like real steroids, these brands are most likely going to fail you as their formulas are ineffective and also unsafe.

D-Bal is proven by both bodybuilders and athletes alike, this brand is even used by dieters to help aid weight loss.

So given that you want to bulk up and have a ripped physique, you still need to workout extensively in the gym to get significant results.

Same goes to supplements. You must have that discipline and commitment to be able to succeed in your bodybuilding program.

And with D-Bal by your side, you can never go wrong on your overall fitness goals.

If you want to learn more about D-Bal, you may go straight to our supplement archive  at

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