Why Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is More Expensive than Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Why Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is More Expensive than Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

When looking for the best hair transplant Los Angeles option, you will come across Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). These are the popular hair transplantation methods in this city. And, one of the most crucial decisions to make once a patient decides to undergo a hair transplant procedure is to choose between the two.

Generally, FUE costs significantly more than FUT. In fact, the cost of FUE can exceed the double price of FUT. This can be attributed to various reasons including the following:

How it is done 

When performing an FUE procedure, a hair transplant surgeon extracts the follicular units from the donor area individually. This procedure comes with a risk of cutting or transecting follicular units. That’s because only the upper follicle part is directly visible. The surgeon estimates the direction of the follicles beneath the surface. Consequently, it is possible to strip or damage the follicular units of the layer when performing an FUE procedure.

If a surgeon fails to cut deeper into the skin, it’s possible to extract a follicular unit without the crucial lower part of the hair follicle. That means the unit might not survive after transplantation. And this can result in damaged or lower quality grafts. Eventually, the patient can have fragile grafts that can have a poor growth.

On the other hand, FUT entails removing a donor strip from the patient’s scalp and isolating the follicular units carefully together with the protective tissue using dissecting stereo-microscopes. This procedure is relatively easier to perform and it results in high quality grafts particularly when handled by a professional surgeon and experienced clinical assistants.

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Clearly, FUT is easier to do than FUE. That’s one of the major reasons why FUE is more expensive than FUT. And, when determining a hair transplant option for you, the surgeon should explain both options to you clearly.

Time taken 

FUE is generally a time-consuming hair transplantation procedure. In fact, if you want to undergo an unshaven hair transplant procedure, the cost will increase further because it takes more time. Essentially, the cost of hair transplant in Los Angeles is calculated on the basis of the time taken to complete the procedure. The amount of hair transplanted or grafts required as well as the difficulty of the procedure determine the time taken to complete it. As such, these aspects of a hair transplant procedure increase time and cost of FUE.

Required skills and experience 

FUE procedures require more training and experience to perform properly. Without proper training, experience and a team of qualified clinical staff, a surgeon cannot perform the procedure effectively and produce great results. Consequently, hair transplant surgeons charge more money for FUE than FUT due to the required high level of training and experience.

Generally, the cost of FUE is higher than that of FUT. However, it also varies from one clinic to another depending on the skills and experience of the surgeon as well as quality of the provided service. Nevertheless, when looking for a hair transplant doctor, consider service quality and reputation of the surgeon.

Visit: www.besthairtransplantlosangeles.net

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