Nutrition Rich Diet for Healthier Bones In 2019

Nutrition Rich Diet for Healthier Bones In 2019

We are living in an age where the hustling and bustling of urban life rarely let us take care of ourselves. Everyone seems too busy to care about how their bodies are being affected. Neglecting your own self can be like slow poisoning. At first things happen at a gradual pace, where you feel nothing, however slowly and slowly you begin to realize the deteriorating aspect of your health and soon your well-being is threatened. In this post, we would like to share with you some of the best natural and organic diet that can help you keep your bones healthier and stronger throughout your life. Around 1.5 million people across the globe suffer from a bone fracture that is due to poor bone care. Women have the highest tendency to develop fractures with age.  The common places where your bones suffer the most include the hip region, spinal cord, and wrists. Considering these alarming scenarios, we strongly urge that you start taking care of your skeletal system before it’s too late. So without any further a due let’s take a look at how Mother Nature can help you overcome this dire concern.

Calcium – Your Greatest Supporter

It goes without saying that the majority of us who received some sort of education during our childhood should know that calcium stands for stronger bones. These days we simply avoid this marvel of a nutrient either directly or indirectly. You need sufficient calcium to keep your bones healthy. A balanced diet is a basic rubric that can assist you to overcome bone problems. As an adult, you need a daily dose of 700mg of calcium daily. Have a look at some of the natural and organic food mentioned below that can help you achieve just that:

  • Bread / fortified flour
  • Cheese
  • Fish – pilchards and sardines
  • Green and leafy vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, and okra
  • Milk
  • Soya beans
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Vitamin D – The Catalyst

Our human body works in collaboration. Similarly when we talk about calcium, then we simply cannot leave out on the importance of Vitamin D since it basically helps our body to absorb calcium. Although the majority of us get their dose of this crucial Vitamin from sun acting on our skin, however, there are some edibles that can help you have sufficient Vitamin D in your body:

  • Breakfast cereals (fortified)
  • Eggs
  • Fat spreads (fortified)
  • Oily fish – mackerels, salmons, and sardines

Vegan Diet to Support Healthier Bones

Vegetarianism rose by quite a margin during the last decade so it is fair to say that a special diet for them should also be included to make sure that their bones stay healthy at all cost. The following items mentioned are for vegans especially, including both calcium-rich and Vitamin D sources:

  • Good vegan sources for calcium:
    • Brown & white bread
    • Calcium-set tofu
    • Dried fruits – apricots, figs, prunes, and raisins
    • Fortified soya
    • Pulses
    • Sesame seeds & tahini
  • Good vegan sources for Vitamin D:
    • Breakfast cereals
    • Exposure to summer sunshine in moderation
    • Fortified fast spreads
    • Soya drinks (with Vitamin D)
    • Vitamin D supplements

We hope this post was able to offer you some deep insights regarding how you can keep a healthy diet to ensure stronger bone. Professionals at Atlanta Orthopedics and healthcare proclaim that people with the greatest risk of developing bone problems include children (age 1-4 years), housebound and frail persons, women during menopause, and those undergoing pregnancy. This is relatively crucial since no amount of wealth can turn back time. As a responsible and sensible adult person, you should take it as your prime priority to ensure that you take corrective measures immediately without waiting for things to go out of control. We wish you all the best of health and life this world can offer!

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