Quick Tips for the Unexpected Party with Cookie platters Schaumburg

cookie platters schaumburg

An unexpected shift in party venues can cause panic for all but the most seasoned hostess. If your soiree just got moved from its original location to your home, try these quick tips with Cookie platters Schaumburg to get your house ready quickly.

Laundry Basket Clean-Up

If you have a few days, hire a cleaning service. If you don’t, do a quick laundry basket clean-up. Dump out whatever is in your laundry basket onto the floor of your closet. Use the empty basket to clean up your living room and guest bathroom quickly by piling in everything that is not necessary for the party. Run a damp rag over everything that collects dust. Check inside the rim of the toilet. Hide any embarrassing medication because even though they shouldn’t, guests will look in your medicine cabinet. Make extra rolls of toilet paper accessible because no one is going to want to ask for more.

Fast Food

Send a helper to gather quick party food. Cookie platters Schaumburg look elegant and appeal to everyone with a variety of flavors. Grab a few jugs of premade iced tea from either a fast-food restaurant or the refrigerator aisle in the grocery store. If you have time, buy a box of sugar cubes which will elevate the look of your drink station.


If you’re already at the grocery store, get 5-8 bunches of flowers usually found near the check-out stand. Combining two flower bundles into one vase will look lux. Three to four vases of fresh flowers throughout your house will look well thought out. Add in a few scented candles for a soft glow, and you will have a real party atmosphere.

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Cover your tables with shawls or pashminas if you don’t have appropriate tablecloths. Float tea lights in small bowls in the center of each table.

Throwing a party and throwing a party together at the last minute are two very different scenarios. If you must do the latter, keep your chin up and smile like this was your plan all along.