5 Ideas for Turning Up the Heat in Your Relationship

Heat in Your Relationship

Don’t let the midday sun be the only thing burning during the day. Why not turn up the heat in your relationship? Adding a little spice to date night or the hum-drum of your daily routine can create more intimacy and emotional health. A vibrant romance or energized sex life can also make for an exciting pastime.

1. Surprise Date Nights

Long term relationships can quickly fall into ruts, and nothing kills romance like boring and predictable date nights. Rather than wait for the general planning session, go out on a limb and schedule a fun-filled night for you and your SO. Do all the research and make all the plans, only giving your partner enough instructions to make the date more comfortable. Instructions like what to wear and what day to block off are all the details you need to share. Put the entire day or night firmly in your control and create a wonderful, romantic surprise.

2. Ditch the Technology

Waiting for dinner to be served or while vegging out on the couch are key moments that can be spent in deep conversation, but all too often any available free time or waiting time is spent using technology. Don’t miss golden opportunities to get closer by checking your email or scrolling through your social media feeds. If you want to really get to know your SO, you need to spend quality time together. This means ditching technology and unplugging for the night. Technology can even interfere with your sex life, keeping you both from feeling the mood. If that happens often, consider ordering ED meds online to get back into the routine.

3. Get Back To Basics

Remember the days of handwritten letters or love notes? The etchings on bathroom stalls in Sharpie marker are growing more sparse, as most communication now occurs digitally. There is still something special about a handwritten love note or letter. Even if you are married or live with your SO, sending a card or letter in the mail is an incredibly sweet gesture that is sure to rekindle the flames. You don’t need a special occasion to share a note of love and appreciation.

4. Become Workout Pals

Though it may not seem like an enjoyable thing to do, physical activity gets the hormones flowing that influence both mood and libido. Working out together gives you a two-for-one exchange. Not only will you help each other get into better physical shape, but you also help each other get into better emotional shape. You can join a gym together, head for walks around the neighborhood or simply try an online mediation or aerobics class.

5. Take a Back Seat

Sometimes simply being proactive in your relationship will stir up the passion that has been starting to wane. Putting the other person first, from what to choose for dinner or selecting a movie, shows how genuine you are about the value your SO has to you. Offer compliments, fill up the car with gas, clean up the kitchen or simply saying “I love you” can revolutionize your relationship.

Ready to get things going? Take the time to strengthen your relationship and watch your connection deepen.