How To Lower The Constant Worry About High Blood Pressure with Hypertension Apps

How To Lower The Constant Worry About High Blood Pressure with Hypertension Apps

I have to say I’m extremely lucky since not only don’t I have any major health issues but I also can’t remember when was the last time I was sick. Unfortunately, some family members are fighting the constant battle with one form of a health issue or another, more specifically, high blood pressure. It’s not that much about the direct effects it has on health, but the psychological worry that always keeps you half in the dark. With blood pressure numbers are extremely important but it’s hard and sometimes even frustrating when you forget the last measurement or you don’t know where you wrote it down.

So, to help the people I care about, I decided to search for hypertension apps that would serve somewhat as a blood pressure diary. We were a bit hesitant but after doing some quick research I managed to find a couple of good ones. Also, my reviews might just help you if you’re facing the same problem and need a more safe way to track your numbers. An important note: the apps don’t measure your blood pressure, they are used for tracking.

SmartBP – Android & iOS

SmartBP was the first one we tried out. This one has a lot of features, so it might not be the best for people who aren’t used to using apps, but if you like to have more than just basic features, you’ll like this one. After getting used to it, keeping track actually becomes easier than before as you can easily sync everything and basically have it on a semi-auto mode. The app definitely shines if you get the blood pressure monitor as then it goes full auto-mode, but if you don’t, you can also input the numbers manually. Finally, the color-coding helps to keep the number organized and easily readable.

One thing I definitely don’t like is the initial bombardment with ads and review pleas from the first second you enter the app. I understand the need for ads and I’ll gladly rate an app I use, but they could tone it down, especially since these apps are often used by people with blood pressure problems. I mean, what’s the point if you get stressed out because of badly placed ads?

iBP Blood Pressure – Android & iOS

First and foremost, this one is great if you have multiple people in your family that need to track their blood pressure. You can quickly create multiple profiles and switch between them in a moment. You might think why would more than one person use the same app version, but the great thing is you compare the numbers on a blood pressure chart. Graphs are color coded so it’s pretty easy to check your numbers and your current and past health. Overall, I can recommend this one to anyone as it’s straight-forward and it does the one job it has to do perfectly.

But, for those that are looking for a bit more features, you might get disappointed. First, you can automatically sync the app across multiple devices, which is a shame. The ability to quickly check your stats on any device you use would be extremely useful. Finally, the developers don’t do often updates so if there’s anything you don’t like, it might take them a while.

Blood Pressure Diary – Android & iOS

This one comes with the basic features you’d expect and a bit more. My family members did like the ability to set a health goal. It obviously doesn’t have any momentary effect, but just the idea of seeing the goal every time you enter the app can have a positive mental effect. Also, by using the graphs, you can track your progress to a more healthier self. Besides that, syncing the app across devices is extremely intuitive for anyone who’s interested and everything is automatically updated. This one falls between the first two when it comes to how “advanced” it is, but I believe most people can use this one.

One minor flaw is the text. As much as graphs are clearly visible and intuitive, the text and numbers are a bit too small. Naturally, it depends on what device you’re using the app, but it’s highly likely many people will use it on their phone. Also, some of them might have smaller phones. Thus, if you’re having a problem with your vision and a phone with a smaller device, you might want to go with one of the other two apps.


There you go, these are 3 hypertension apps I and my family found to be most useful. If you’re looking for more choices, I found a top 10 list where you can check a couple of more blood pressure apps. I’ll share the link in case none of the 3 listed apps are what you’re looking for.

Top 10 Apps For Tracking Blood Pressure

Fighting issues like high blood pressure can be hard, but luckily, technology helps us make it a bit easier. Even more importantly, as long as we have people who care about us around, the fight becomes even easier. Best of luck and take care of yourself.