Tips on Improving the Health of Your Feet

Tips on Improving the Health of Your Feet

Ever think about your feet and the importance that they literally carry on their small-toed shoulders on a day-to-day basis? I didn’t think that you did; and that’s okay, because rarely does anyone give any importance whatsoever to the priority that their feet should take when thinking of treating the body well.

In fact, taking care of your feet is one of the most overlooked portion of our daily healthy lives that we place on a regular basis. So much so that chronic foot injury and back injury as a RESULT of overcompensation from damaged feet can be some of the highest causes of injury (without specific accident or acute cause) in the United States.

With that said, we think the feet should get a little love and attention today; and that’s why the tips on improving the health of your feet has been developed for your personal gain, development, and pure enjoyment.

1. Pick out the right pair of shoes

People often place very little emphasis on the right pair of shoes based on the function of their feet when searching for the right style. In fact, whether you will be primarily running, walking, sitting, standing, or just lounging around on your feet is extremely important when deciding on shoes to protect and improve the health of your feet. You need the right pair with the right support, right tilt, right pronation, etc to feel good and your feet are no exception. Go to a specialist store, get a pair of prescribed soles, and get fitted for shoes that will keep you and your feet healthy, sprung, and ready to rock.

keep feet protected

2. Keep your feet clean and dry

If you want your feet to be healthy, then you need to treat them like the rest of your body: and that starts with hygiene and care of your feet. You need to clean them in the shower with soap and water and then make sure they are absolutely dry before putting socks on to avoid fungus and bacteria build-up. Looking to get a case of athlete’s foot and for an infection to fester? Then simply leave your feet soaked all day! In seriousness, clean your feet and dry your feet as the first precautionary step to their finest health.

3. Wear the right socks to avoid bacteria

In a very similar manner to the above tip about keeping your feet both clean and also dry, you should also pick out the right pair of socks so that your feet REMAIN dry after drudging them around all day. Socks made from fabric that is partially polyester and not cotton do a better job in wicking away moisture so that you don’t get excess bacteria build up. Your feet sweat like crazy, almost as much as your armpits, and therefore you need moisture protection to ensure your feet don’t get sick with bacteria build-up.

4. Examine your feet and see a doctor

Want to make sure your feet are healthy and in optimal condition? It should go without saying that a good old fashioned good exam on a weekly or bi-weekly basis will do wonders to prevent injury and infection. Look at the soles of your feet for scales and the toes for peeling. Either of these could mean athlete’s foot. In addition, look for yellowing of the nails to check for on-coming signs of diabetes. Check out your feet often and when in doubt, see a doctor to either confirm your suspicions or help you decipher if there is a real problem with your feet or not.


I hope you have enjoyed the list of tips on improving the health of your feet. Although you may not often think of your feet when it comes to the health of your body, the truth is that everything rests and stands (another pun) on the shoulders of your feet and you must keep them happy and healthy to survive out there!

If you do not agree with my list or you have your own insight to add and share, simply leave a comment below and someone will get back to you promptly with feedback and discussion on your input. Have a KICKING day! 🙂