What Can Drugs Do to Your Body and Brain?

What Can Drugs Do to Your Body and Brain?

Human beings have taken drugs since time-in-memorial. Many of the ancient civilizations were known to have used hallucinogenic mushrooms that grew naturally around them.

But that is not to say that drugs are good for you, more that they just didn’t fully understand the scientific consequences of them.

Equally, today many drugs are not completely natural or plant-based. In fact, they are synthetically produced in factories or extra components are added in order to make them more potent.

These extras are often dangerous and prevent takers from determining the potency of what they are taking.

So just what can drugs do to your body? Here are examples of what just how two drugs can affect you.


Recently legalized in 10 U.S States and Washington D.C this drug is a depressant like alcohol that can numb your central nervous system. In the short term, this drug means you cannot concentrate properly or respond to situations with the fast reactions you usually can.

This is why it is illegal to drive a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs.

In the long term, the drug can have an extremely damaging effect on your brain as well as your lifestyle, as all drugs can. Cannabis can make you paranoid and can cause schizophrenia.

In fact, a recent study showed that those that had tried cannabis by the time they were 18 were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia.

Check out this website if you want to learn more about how drugs like cannabis affect your brain.


This drug is the opposite of alcohol and cannabis It is a stimulant that causes a high that lasts for around 30 minutes before an extreme crash, often leaving the user wanting to take more.

The sudden increase in heart rate can make the user more prone to a heart attack, breathing problems or even a stroke.

Unlike some other drugs the more you take cocaine the more you need for a stronger high the next time around. And the more you take the more it can cause sleep deprivation, hallucination or even psychosis.

Also unlike cannabis which is known to famously cause outbreaks of the so-called munchies during the comedown, where the users become obsessively hungry, cocaine causes a loss of appetite meaning after a while the user becomes thin and underweight.

Another long term effect of cocaine is the physical appearance of the nose. As the drug is snorted it effects and irritates the mucous membrane in your nose which absorbs the drug into your bloodstream.

Eventually, this irritation can cause a problem as it can create sores and even the collapse of the septum – the wall dividing each nasal chamber.

What Can Drugs Do to Your Body? Now You Know

Drugs can have an extremely harmful effect on your body. You might have heard lots of anecdotal evidence in the news media or maybe you have friends who take drugs and say that they are not too bad.

However, it is important to know the science behind the question “what can drugs do to your body?”.

If you are interested in more articles about drugs, be sure to check out our section on them on our website.