Top Tips for Shredding Fat

Top Tips for Shredding Fat

Has your workout taken a back seat during the winter months? Are you stuck on a weight loss plateau and struggling to get rid of stubborn belly fat? Perhaps you want to tone up in time for a family occasion, or have just booked your summer vacation. When it comes to shredding fat, a low calorie or crash diet won’t give you lasting results. In fact, using dangerous or quick fix methods could even see you regain the weight that you lose, with a few kilos more to boot. So, if you are looking to tone down and lose stubborn body fat, then keep these tips to hand.

Shake up your diet

Remember your body is your temple, so it needs the right kind of fuel to function and work properly. You might be working out every day, but if you don’t consume the right kind of fats and food then all your good intentions are going to waste. First and foremost, your diet could be letting you down. If you are not much of a cook, or fancy having a nutritionist plan and prepare your meals for you, then consider Keto Meal Delivery. The Keto diet soon puts your body into its ultimate fat-burning state, plus you can still eat a huge range of food groups too.

Eat more protein

Believe it or not, if you want to lose weight, then you need to up what you eat. Protein acts as the building blocks for muscle, and it also keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Now you don’t have to eat chicken during every mealtime, but consider introducing a special protein shake, organic meats, cashews and pistachios or even sashimi into your diet.

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Lift heavier weights

Yes really, lifting heavier weights will help improve muscle tone and definition, and can help you lose fat too. If you are looking to slim down, then you can’t just rely on cardio alone. As with any exercise, if you are new to weightlifting then be sure to get some expert advice from a trainer or any qualified professional at your local gym.

Refuel and hydrate

Finally, you need to consider when, how and what you eat to make sure that you keep your metabolism ticking over. Eating smaller meals throughout the day, rather than a heavy meal at night, will help keep you feeling fuller. It’s also incredibly important that you keep hydrated too. Water is the best, free fat-burning fuel available to you, helping keep your entire body hydrated and ensuring that your liver continues to work. If you are dehydrated, then you could also risk damaging your joints and muscles. There’s no better reason to eat and drink up.

If you are struggling to shred fat and slim down, then make sure you eat little and often and keep the water handy. Make sure that you choose a diet that suits your workout routine and keep it protein-packed. Finally, shake up your workout and lift heavier weights.

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