4 Mistakes That Explain Why You Aren’t Losing Weight

4 Mistakes That Explain Why You Aren’t Losing Weight

Losing weight is a struggle for everyone, no matter what weight loss programs ads might be claiming. In order to succeed in this you have to control your calorie intake, exercise, and generally revise your diet. However, sometimes doing these things doesn’t seem to be enough. In these cases, you might be making mistakes that prevent you from shedding those excess pounds efficiently.

4 Weight Loss Mistakes You Might Be Making Right Now

1.      Weighing yourself too often

Do you start and end your day watching the number on the weight and getting depressed because it won’t budge? This might be the exact reason why it doesn’t. It’s essential to understand that your weight loss expectations must be realistic. It’s impossible for a human being to shed 10 pounds in 5 days and to proceed losing more at the same pace. Well, it might be possible, but only with severe health problems involved.

You also need to understand that your weights aren’t the best judge of your fat-burning program success. If you focus heavily on exercising, especially strength training, that fat will be replaced with muscle. This means that your weight won’t change much, but the actual fitness level and ‘composition’ of your body will.

Finally, losing weight takes time and stress is one of the main reasons that slow down this process. So, stressing over the exact count of pounds only does you more harm.

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2.      Using the wrong kind of supplements

It has been proven by various studies that adding some supplements to your diet can enhance weight loss programs. For example, caffeine boosts the efficiency of exercise (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise) and capsaicin speeds up fat degeneration through oxidation (PLoS One). When dealing with trusted supplements that contain ingredients proven to be effective, like Phen375, your main question should be along the lines of how Phentermine works best?

Does it benefit the effects of your specific diet and exercise program? Does it work for your body’s unique needs? How well does it interact with other weight loss products and techniques you are using?

Only the right kind of supplement will help you achieve a noticeable effect. Buying products with the most appealing ads is one of the most common weight loss mistakes. If you want to avoid this, be sure to consult your nutritionist in order to determine which ingredients will truly work best. Note that you should inquire about ingredients, so you’ll be able to choose the product you can trust after conducting your own unbiased research.

3.      Not getting enough protein

‘Healthy eating’ is a very loose term, especially today when every food brand tries to market this angle in their products. Therefore, a truly healthy diet is the one you design yourself or with a professional help from a nutritionist. And in order for it to be most effective for weight loss, it should contain a bit more protein than a regular ‘healthy’ meal plan.

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A low-fat high-protein diet results in an increased metabolism (Journal of the American College of Nutrition). Therefore, you burn fat faster. Note that this effect will be best complemented with capsaicin supplements as they speed up the process of fat oxidation naturally.

4.      You’re not counting your calorie intake right

One of the most annoying weight loss mistakes results from the brain’s inability to judge food portions accurately (Annals of Internal Medicine). The size of your portions is your main enemy when it comes to changing your body shape.

The best solution is to consult a nutritionist about how many calories there truly are in foods, and then use kitchen weights to see how your actual portions should look like.

Note that these are only a few of the common weight loss mistakes. If you seem to do everything right but the results aren’t forthcoming, consider consulting your doctor to find the exact reason.

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