Living Life to the Full With a Disability

Living Life to the Full With a Disability

Disabilities can take many forms, some you can see while others might be more difficult to discover. However, there are many millions of people all over the world that are currently living with a disability, and they want to live their life to the full. Whether you have a disability or restricting illness, or you live with someone that has, there are many things that can be done to make life better and more independent.

Recognizing Disability

Not all disabilities can be seen; there are many mental and physical problems that you might never know about just by seeing someone walking down the street. However, that doesn’t mean that they are less entitled to the same care and help that others with disabilities have. It is important that everyone is aware of the range of medical problems that are there and learn not to judge people by what they see. Given the proper tools and support, they can achieve the same things as anyone else.

Healthy Living

Living a healthy lifestyle is hugely important, not only to the way you live now but also in the future. Those with disabilities can still be healthy through the food that they eat. The important thing to remember is that everyone is allowed to be as healthy as they can be and that they are given to opportunities to do it. Tools and information on living a healthy lifestyle should be made available to everyone, and this information should be tailored to each person’s needs. It is also vital that their wishes should also be taken into consideration. For example, if an individual wishes to be vegan or vegetarian, then there should be options for this that don’t affect their lives. As well as eating healthily, it is important that people with disabilities are also given the best opportunities to stay physically active. It might mean that they need adapted equipment, but, this should be made available to them. Maintaining such routine and structure can be beneficial in terms of the lifestyle of somebody who may have a restricting illness or disability.


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It is an unfortunate fact that those with disabilities can be at a higher risk of abuse from others. It can be particularly bad for children at school, who are treated as though they are different. The abuse can be physical or verbal, but both are terribly upsetting and inappropriate. While there needs to be strict rules and strategies in place to deal with abuse, there should also be the tools available to help those who are the victims of abuse so that they feel supported and protected. It is also important that those with disabilities can go out to the mall or to local areas safely. There are many ways that this can be achieved, including guide dogs, adapted walking sticks and modified cars. All of these are excellent ways to help people with disabilities be more independent.

Assistive Technology

Technology has been moving along at an amazing pace for many years. Equipment that would have seemed impossible only a few years ago are now a reality. It has not only help everyone stay in touch with each other, but it has also allowed many people to do the things they love. Traditional Assistive Technology has usually meant walkers, walking sticks, wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Now, however, technology is making advances into every area of life so that many more people with disabilities can take part in their favorite hobby or sport and be more independent. For example, the recent evolution of self-driving cars could make those unable to drive more independent than ever before. There is already a huge number of modifications possible that can help someone own their own transport, but these could be surpassed in the future.

Home Living

For most people with disabilities, there is no reason why they cannot live a full and independent life in their own home. Although some may need supportive care from caregivers, it doesn’t mean that they are not able to still live an independent life. There is a range of adaptations such as walk-in showers, rails and home technology that can help those who find it difficult. Technology such as home hubs together with smart home technology means that people are now able to turn lights on and off or turn on the air conditioning without moving from their seat. Through adapting the available technology, it is possible to transform any home into a comfortable, fitting space, for an individual to enjoy their home and feel comfortable, which is an incredibly important factor.

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There has always been a level of support for children with disabilities to help them with school, but, there are now more ways than ever that children can learn and achieve what they want. In the past, this type of education might have been carried out in schools designed specifically for disabled children. However, with advances in technology and wider integration of disabled access in buildings, most schools can now teach those of all abilities. It means that children can now move from school to college and beyond to make the career they want regardless of their disability.


If there is one area that has sparked the most inspiration from those with a disability, it’s the world of sport. For example, there are now adaptations to skis and sleds what allow people with one or both lower limbs missing to ski. Advances in carbon fiber have meant that there are now blades that can help people to run or jog as they wouldn’t have been able to before. It means that there is no sport that cannot be adapted to those with disabilities. Again such advancements go to show how research has enabled individuals to create ways and means of assisting those with a disability so that they live life to the fullest.

Far from being a barrier, disability is now something that doesn’t have to limit anything that someone wants to do.

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