There are some things that everyone knows how to do from not eating too many sweet treats to exercising at least a little every day. These things – and others – will keep you fit and healthy. Yet even if you are doing everything you can to stay well, you may find that it’s difficult to lose weight or you’re still getting out of breath when you walk up the stairs. This could be because of other habits you are carrying out on a daily basis without even realizing what you’re doing – those habits could be causing you big problems. Here are some of them.
Hitting The Snooze Button
To get the most out of your sleep, you need to get between seven and nine hours a night. If you sleep for less than six or more than 10 hours, then health issues can be detrimental – too much or too little sleep can lead to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease amongst other illnesses and chronic conditions.
Therefore getting the right amount of sleep, to begin with, is important, but so is not using the snooze button. It can be tempting to hit it once or twice when you just don’t feel as though you can drag yourself out of bed to start the day. However, if you do this, the sleep you fall back into won’t be healthy for you; in fact, your body will be on high alert anticipating the next alarm, and you could wake up feeling less rested than you should do. You’ll feel more awake and be more productive if you get up the first time you hear your alarm. After a while, this will become a habit, so it’s worth trying.
Drinking Too Much
Those who drink more than two alcoholic drinks a day are much more at risk of developing high blood pressure and even cirrhosis of the liver. It’s better to drink in moderation overall. Try to have at least two alcohol-free days each week, or maybe opt for healthier alternatives altogether, to allow your body to re-set itself. It’s also essential never to binge drink as it contributes to weight gain and can put you in dangerous situations that mean accidents are far more likely to occur.
Netflix Marathons
It may be the perfect way for many people to unwind and relax, but binging on boxsets through Netflix or downloaded from the TV or internet can actually cause you physical damage, especially if you’ve been sitting at your desk for hours at a time during the day. Watching more than three-hour-long episodes in a row can mean that your circulation suffers and if you combine that with eight hours at a desk then that is a great amount of time spent sedentary.
Take Drugs
Taking any form of the drug is a bad idea if it hasn’t been prescribed by your doctor. Abusing drugs in this way can cause a lot of health issues – every organ in your body can be negatively affected by taking drugs, and they are also known to cause mental illness. Some drugs are already illegal due to their harmful effects. If you want to keep your body and mind healthy and working in the way that it should, stay away from drugs.
Drugs can also affect your career prospects too, and many places of work carry out random testing. You can take a look at this site for more details.
Not Going Outside
If you spend a very limited amount of time indoors, you won’t be making the most of the sunshine for your skin. Natural sunlight and sunshine are how we naturally absorb Vitamin D. It’s easy to get out and about during the summer months, but in the winter time, it can be a lot harder. This is where taking a Vitamin D supplement can help boost your Vitamin D levels and keep you much healthier.
Vitamin D deficiency can include symptoms such as depression, tiredness, and general aches and pains.
Eating Processed Foods
Try to eat as little pre-packaged processed food as possible. We all know that every now and then a ready meal or snack is something that can really help out. We might be short of time, for example, and need to cook something quickly in the microwave. What is important is not to make a habit of doing this because these types of foods are full of salt, sugar, fats, and other unhealthy ingredients as well as preservatives.
It is far better to eat fresh food that you prepare yourself because you will be able to choose exactly what goes into each dish and in what quantities. If you think you don’t have the time to cook for yourself and your family each day, then try to cook in bulk when you do have time. These bulk meals can be frozen and then when you need them, they can be heated up and enjoyed.
Wearing Ill-Fitting Shoes
The wrong pair of shoes may cause physical all sorts of issues. The most obvious is foot pain, but because your feet are the foundation of your entire body pain in this area can soon translate into pain elsewhere, traveling up your body as far as your neck in some cases.
Therefore, it’s important to choose your footwear wisely and make sure that it fits well and that you can walk comfortably in the shoes that you pick. If you need to, it might be a good idea to take a spare pair of shoes with you to a special event, for example, so that you don’t have to wear potentially painful shoes all day. Having supportive shoes can help in the long run in terms of the way you walk and how you distribute your weight as you walk. Ill-fitting footwear may not be completely noticeable straightaway. However, you may suddenly see a gradual and noticeable change if you opt for a more supportive and comfortable pair. In-soles are another idea to ensuring you are more comfortable.