3 Reasons Why You Need Probiotics

3 Reasons Why You Need Probiotics

When it comes to the human body, it’s really all about the balance inside, and that is where the mission of probiotics come in.

The folks at Harvard Medical School say that the “good bacteria” of probiotics for women are another healthy addition to consider. These incredible foods and/or supplements are affordable and a wise investment.

Even Hollywood celebrities have quickly found the value in following a healthy diet that features probiotic supplementation. Some of these famous female faces include Gwyneth Paltrow, Halle Berry, Reese Witherspoon, Katy Perry, Lauren Conrad, Meg Ryan and Susan Sarandon.

Here are three smart reasons why you need probiotics:

  1. Fab Flora Performs A Function

Flora are the millions of microorganisms that live in your intestines and keep your GI tract running like a smooth machine. To maintain your gut health, you need probiotics to create acidity in the body to generate the production of good bacteria in flora.

You can get this nutrition from probiotic foods like those that are fermented. Some of these would include yogurt, kefir, pickled vegetables, sauerkraut and others.

This article about probiotics says that an abundance of flora is a great protector against infections forming in the colon and other digestive organs. It also boosts one’s complexion and puts a halt to skin infections.

  1. Keeps A Healthy Heart Ticking

Some studies have found that including probiotics in your daily diet can help maintain a healthy heart by knocking down the “bad cholesterol” and modestly lowering blood pressure.

By taking probiotic supplements or eating a probiotic yogurt for at least two weeks, researchers discovered that reductions were made in total cholesterol by four percent and LDL cholesterol by five percent.

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For blood pressure to begin lowering, participants had to remain on the probiotic kick for at least eight weeks to see results.

  1. Benefits Mood And Mental Health

Believe it or not, a healthy gut has been linked to one’s state of mental health, and certain strains in probiotic supplements have been found to improve some disorders like depression, stress and anxiety and memory loss.

The two effective strains feature Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus and can be found in supplement form in probiotics for women.

For example, a study involving 40 patients with depression featured some encouraging results. The participants took probiotic supplements for eight weeks and discovered that their depression levels decreased as well as their levels of C-reactive protein, compared to those participants who did not take a probiotic.

C-reactive protein is considered a marker of inflammation and hormones such as insulin.

These are just three excellent reasons for taking probiotics in food or easy to digest capsules for your daily routine.

Plenty of recent studies and clinical trials have been published and point to the value of probiotics for the human body.

The cost of taking these supplements is quite inexpensive, and the benefits can be tremendous.

About the Author:

Trysh Sutton is a wife, mother, attorney, interior decorator, strategic leader and owner of Pure Path Essential Oils. She has an eye for business, innovation and perfection – and a desire to help her family, her friends and herself live a healthy and happy life.

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