By now, most people are aware of the fact that chiropractic care can greatly mitigate back and neck pain(If you aren’t, then consider yourself filled in!) But this effective and natural treatment option isn’t just about pain relief. There are a number of other benefits associated with chiropractic care.
Whether you’re specifically looking to relieve back or neck pain, or you are simply curious to see how chiropractic can help you in your life, visit Transform Chiropractic to learn more about making the first appointment. This article will explore just a few of the additional benefits you can look forward to with chiropractic treatment, some of which might surprise you.
Back and Neck Pain Relief
This is the oft-cited benefit, the one that gets most people in the door of a chiropractic office in the first place. For sufferers of chronic back or neck pain, chiropractic adjustments can offer much-needed relief, and people who suffer from sciatica, cervicogenic headaches or prenatal back pain also find relief with chiropractic care. In fact, according to this study, 96% of patients suffering from neck pain reported being “very satisfied” with their chiropractic treatment. Then, upon repeat visits, the following additional benefits start to become apparent…
Better Posture
Through spinal adjustments, as well as through the advice of your chiropractor, you can improve your posture. Good posture not only reduces stress on the joints and ligaments, but it also helps you feel your best. Office workers, or those who spend a lot of time hunched over a computer or phone, are at particular risk for poor posture, so seeing a chiropractor may be helpful.
An Improved Immune System
The nervous system and immune system are intimately related; the health of one is dependant on the health of the other. To that end, misalignment can cause your immune system to function inadequately, a problem you can remedy by visiting a chiropractor.
A Better Night’s Sleep
Pain doesn’t take the night off. It can keep you awake, causing you to lose precious rest, and in turn causing you to feel lethargic and weak. Seeking back pain relief from a chiropractor, as well as asking them for advice on sleep posture, can set you off on a path toward a better night’s sleep.
Fewer Headaches
Spinal adjustments can help immensely with tension and cervicogenic headaches. When you visit a chiropractor with frequent headaches, they will take the time to assess you and determine the underlying cause(s) for the headaches, and then create a treatment with you to help alleviate the pain. In a clinical trial, 72% of migraine sufferers experienced substantial improvement after chiropractic treatment.
Rather than reach for that bottle of Aspirin, or those sleeping pills, try visiting a chiropractor. At the very least they can help co-manage your issue, and advise on how to improve. The main take away here is that chiropractic care needn’t be viewed solely as back and neck pain relief; there are a wealth of other benefits that come along with it.