Tips for Saving Your Eyes from Digital Strain

Do you work for long hours on a computer screen? Do you have to stay awake till late hours at night for your work online? Are you a student with lots of science projects to complete on your desktop? Then you have to stare long at your computer screen every day. It is the case with almost everyone in this era. As a result, you can experience a variety of discomforts. It includes headaches, vision problems, eye strain, red eyes, eye twitching, and other eye discomforts. Researches state that fifty-nine percent of people who regularly make use of digital devices with an illuminated screen have experienced digital eye strain.

If these discomforts are long overlooked, it can take a severe turn and push you towards blindness. Hopefully, there are some remedies that you can take refuge in. These tips can help you keep your eyes healthy. Let’s have a glance.

Accurate adjustment of the display:

At first, you have to make sure that your computer, laptop, or desktop, has a proper display setting. The setting should be eye-friendly. Some changes can help you keep your eyes strain-free.

For example, you can adjust the brightness level of your display. The level of brightness should be as high as the brightness of your surroundings. If the presentation of the device you are working with seems to be emitting glare, the level of intensity is too high. On the other hand, if the screen appears to be dark and you have to lean forward every time you want to read something, the level is low. The brightness of the screen is an essential thing. The filter should be bright enough to be read. However, the screen should never look like a source of light in the house.

The size of the text is another crucial element on a screen. The strain of the eyes is directly related to the size of the book. If the words are too small, you have to go through a lot of trouble while reading it. It may cause your eyes strain. So, you should adjust the size of your texts according to your vision. You may want to keep the size medium-large to avoid eye problems.

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Contrast is another element that you have to pay heed to. The right difference between the background color and text color can soothe your eyes. Generally, during day time, white background and black text color are perfect. During night time, you can go for a black background and white text color. It is called night vision. For overall color contrast, we recommend a lower level of distinction to work during day and night time.

The saturation of the screen has to be adjusted as well. The temperament of color should be kept minimum to reduce strain on your lovely eyes. This way, the amount of blue light emitted by the screen of your computer is decreased. So it ultimately lengthens your visual comfort.

Modification of your work station is also necessary. The screen should be at least 20 to 24 inches from your eyes.

Proper lighting is essential:

During the daytime, improper lighting around your work station can cause digital eye strain. Place your desk in such a way as to have windows by your side. Soft light from a side window is good. Avoid having a window in front of you or at your back, from where direct sunlight can hit the screen. If you have very bright sunlight around the screen, reduce it by closing windows or shades. You should also lower interior light by using one or two low-intensity bulbs. If you use soft LED lights instead of ‘daylight bulbs’ or ‘cool white’ bulbs, it can be helpful for your eyes. Make sure the color temperature of the lamp is low. Try not to work under neon or fluorescent light.

Eye exercises:

The length of working hours also affects the health of your eyes. Your eyes can be fatigued by staring long at the bright screen of any digital device. You can adjust brightness, temperature, contrast, and all. Even then, your eyes can have digital strain because of your long working hours. To avoid this, you can do eye exercises. Many eye exercises can relax your eyes. However, here is an easy one. The workout is called 20- 20- 20. The rule is, look away from your computer screen every twenty minutes. Fix your gaze on something more or less twenty feet away for almost twenty seconds. Doing this exercise, you can relax your eye muscles and avoid straining your eyes.

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Take breaks:

Apart from eye-straining, you can experience headaches, neck pains, and other discomforts while working long on a digital screen. It would help if you took breaks of two or three minutes while working. For example, you can stick a page beside your computer screen and look back and forth between the screen and the page. It helps in reducing eye stress.

After working a while, you can take a walk for 20 to 30 seconds and come back to your table. You can take down any notes or phone numbers on a piece of paper instead of your cell phone. It is another way of taking a break from staring at an illuminated screen. Are you hungry? Take a break and have a good meal, not at your table, but the canteen.

These are some of the easiest ways of reducing or avoiding eye strain at all. There are other options, as well. Apart from tips and tricks, it would be best if you always considered wearing a good pair of computer glasses. If you have contact lenses, try to avoid wearing those during your computer work. Contact lenses can dry out during long hours of screen work. Finally, everyone has the possibility of suffering from eye problems. If you have to work on the screen, you are more prone to such issues. So, get a thorough eye exam every month. Ask your doctor to check your retinas, corneas, and lenses. If you ever feel any little discomfort in your eyes, tell your doctor immediately. If you take the right step at the right time, major troubles can be side-lined.

So, watch out, dear!

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