How To Make The Most Of Every Day

How To Make The Most Of Every Day

No matter how old we are, there can be times in our lives when we start to feel that every day is just the same as the last, and nothing interesting or exciting is going to happen. These are days that we wish away, and that is especially true when we are looking forward to a particular upcoming event. It’s a shame when this happens, as with a little more positivity, every day can be a wonderful one, even if nothing ‘exciting’ happens there at all. Here are some of the best ways to can make the most of every day.

Wake Up Early 

Waking up as early as you can is a wonderful way to start the day off well. Make sure you still get enough sleep, though, by going to bed at a reasonable hour!

Whether you live at home with a young family or are on your own, it makes no difference. This is one thing that everyone can do in any circumstance and starting the day in the right way means that you will feel much more positive about everything that comes afterward.

Here is your chance to take some quiet time and to really look at the world around you before the hustle and bustle of the day begins in earnest. Many people are most productive first thing, and if this means you get up early and work so that you have the rest of the day to enjoy yourself, then that makes a lot of sense too. Whatever your reasons for getting up early and no matter where you live or what you do, it will work to make your day a better one.

Be Less Stressed 

Sometimes being less stressed is easier said than done, but you should remember that when you are worrying and stressing about things – particularly things that you cannot change and have no control over – you are missing out on the current moment, and losing your chance to enjoy it. As well as this, you won’t be able to see the future either, and it can all seem rather bleak.

On top of making your day a more negative one, your health can suffer a lot when you are stressed. Physical side effects include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Lack of sleep
  • Headaches

Mentally it can cause paranoia, depression, and anxiety. Stressing as little as possible is, therefore, the best thing if you want to be able to make the most of every day.

If you can work out what it is that is causing you stress; then you can also work out how to combat it and create a plan to alleviate the stress you are feeling. Whether it is down to health, financial worries, your job, or your relationships, there will always be someone who can help you, even if they are just there to listen. It may be that you are simply getting older and require more care. For more information on a possible next step if this is the case, such as assisted living, click here.

Once you have dealt with your stressors, you can certainly make the most of every day.

Eat Well 

Eating is something we have to do to be able to function and, ultimately, to stay alive. The more healthily we eat, the better our bodies are able to function, the healthier we will feel, and the more we can enjoy the days as they come and go. This is why giving up junk food and eating more fruits and vegetables can help to give us a much more positive outlook on life.

You will be amazed at how much better you feel if you stop eating (and drinking) all the things that are bad for you and start eating (and drinking) the things that are good for you. Your energy levels will increase, you will lose weight, you will feel fitter, and you will generally be more ready and able to take on any opportunities that come your way.

As well as eating more healthily, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water through the day will also help to boost your immune system, keep you feeling healthy, and keep you more productive too.


Trying to make the most of every day may not leave you much time for exercise, but when you realize just how important it is, you are more likely to clear a space in your schedule for it. Regular exercise will make you healthier, of course, but it will also realign the hormones in your body, reducing the number of stress hormones (like cortisol) and increasing the amount of ‘happy hormones’ such as serotonin. When this happens, you will feel happy, less stressed, more at ease, and calmer. You will also be able to see the changes in your body when it comes to your strength and any weight loss that might occur. Since you only need to do around 20 minutes of exercise per day to make a difference, it should be easy to slot it into your schedule, and when you do, you will be able to make much more of every day.

Practice Mindfulness 

Mindfulness means being in the present so that no day is ever a waste. It can be hard to do this, and it is a difficult habit to get into, but once you are able to be more mindful throughout your day you will find that every day is just as important as the last and the next, even if you don’t really do anything or it isn’t an especially memorable one. When you are present in the moment, you aren’t distracted by anything; you are fully focused on what is happening, and enjoy the moment much more. Going for a walk in nature, taking the time to paint a picture that you are concentrating on, reading a book, or sitting quietly and meditating are all good ways to be more mindful. These ideas are much better than watching TV which, although useful for unwinding and something that can be enjoyed as a treat, usually means that you aren’t really in the moment at all.