The Top Things You Must Never Keep In the Bedroom

The Top Things You Must Never Keep In the Bedroom

Some people complain of not having good bedrooms yet they have cluttered their bedrooms with all manner of items. They have forgotten that the primary activity that should be taking place in the bedroom should be sleeping and having sex.

If you have anything in your bedroom that does not contribute to either of these, then it is not supposed to be in the bedroom. If you looking forward to decluttering your bedroom and you’re wondering what things you should do away with, here is a look at some of the things that must never find their way into your bedroom.


The Top Things You Must Never Keep In the Bedroom

Electronics of any kind should not be in your bedroom. These include laptops, television, mobile phones, tablets, and any other thing that you’d normally plug into a power outlet before you use it. The simple reason for this is that most of these things are nothing but distractions when it comes to bedtime.

People spend hours upon hours on their mobile phones or laptops when they should be sleeping. They are also getting affected by the blue light emitted by these electronic gadgets which in turn suppresses the production of the hormones needed to make one fall asleep. Therefore, the first things you should do away with from your bedroom are any electronics that may be present.


You may love your pet more than anything else in the world but if you value sleep and like sleeping without being disrupted, then you must never allow your pet into your bedroom. It is sad to see how many people in the world prefer sleeping with their pets, not knowing the effects that such bring into their lives. The presence of a pet alone in the bedroom is enough distraction to stop you from having a good night rest.

Besides, the pets may not realize that you need to sleep and they may want to play when you should be sleeping. To avoid such conflicts or to avoid hurting the feelings of your pet, the best thing to do is to simply get them out of the bedroom and never let them in when you want to sleep.

Bright Lights

The Top Things You Must Never Keep In the Bedroom

Bright light is another distraction you must never allow into the bedroom. Though you need light so that your bedroom can be functional and to make it beautiful, you can choose other forms of light that are softer and gentler to your eyes. Bright lights like those made with halogen should be used in other rooms within the house but not in the bedroom. They’re too strong for the eyes and the evening, your eyes should be shutting down and not struggling to adapt to very strong lights.

Family photos

Some people may be surprised that family photos should not be placed in the bedroom. In as much as it shows a lot of affection and it makes you feel closer to your family members, it is not recommended that you have a lot of family photos in the bedroom. The main reason for this is that the family photos may trigger memories of obligations or bad memories or things that may make you start thinking too much before going to bed and such may normally stop you from falling asleep. It may bring into your mind a lot of questions for which you may not have answers. For most people, such maybe stressful enough and by looking at the photos alone, they may panic and get into an overdrive mode. This is the only reason why family photos should not be in the bedroom.

Work Desk

The Top Things You Must Never Keep In the Bedroom

As mentioned earlier, the bedroom is a place where you sleep and have sex. It is not an extension of your office so that you can carry what and go and complete them in the bedroom. Due to this, a work desk and chair should not find a place in the bedroom. They are unnecessary distractions that will compel you to work when you should actually be sleeping. Therefore, remove any desk and chair that may tempt you to work from your bedroom.

Gym Equipment

It is saddening that some people will have treadmills and other gym equipment in the bedroom. As such, they are simply turning the bedroom into a gym or some work out space. This is not the right way to use the bedroom. If anything, having gym equipment in the bedroom will not make your workouts any effective.

The fact that you can have them around and they are easily accessible to you is no guarantee that you’ll actually use them. Besides, having such equipment in the bedroom will make you use them for the reasons. For example, a treadmill can easily turn into a clothes hanger. Again, it is important to remember that having gym equipment in the in the bedroom is likely to cause a wide range of accidents. Stay safe and let your bedroom be the bedroom.

A minibar

The Top Things You Must Never Keep In the Bedroom

It may sound tempting to have a minibar in your bedroom so that you can grab a drink whenever you feel like. The only problem with having a minibar in your bedroom is that it will give you easy access to one of the most dangerous drinks you should be taking before going to bed. It is known that alcohol has a way of hampering with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

However, some see it as a sedative that they can drink so that they fall asleep quickly. In as much as this is true, alcohol will wake you up in the middle of the night and you will find it very difficult to fall asleep again. This is why you should not encourage having a minibar in the bedroom because it will make alcohol easily accessible to you when you should not be touching it.

If you keep these items away from your bedroom, nothing will come in your way of getting good sleep at night. But if you continue having them in your bedroom, you should forget about having quality sleep, even if you have the most expensive Stearns and Foster mattress.