Tips to Keep Teeth Healthy Over the Holidays

Tips to Keep Teeth Healthy Over the Holidays

Image Source: Pexels

Summer is almost upon us and if you are a little concerned about oral hygiene over the holiday period, this article was written with you in mind. We all tend to be a bit lax when on holiday and if this affects your daily oral hygiene practices, it could have serious consequences, and with that in mind, here are some useful tips on maintaining good oral hygiene over the coming holiday period.

  • Take Antiseptic Mouthwash – When packing for your holiday, buy a large bottle of antiseptic mouthwash, which you and your family can use when brushing is not possible. Alternately, you could buy a smaller bottle for each family member, which makes things easier. While we all have a routine that is set when at home, a change of environment often means we forget to brush after every meal and the mouthwash is an effective way to remove food particles, which you should do after every meal or snack.
  • Pack a Dental Kit – While it is likely you will have no bathroom issues while on holiday, you can never be sure, and by packing a small toiletries bag that contains 3 or 4 new toothbrushes, some toothpaste, dental floss and mouthwash, you can be sure that your oral hygiene is covered. It won’t take up much space and whatever the holiday environment, you will have all your oral hygiene essentials. There are a few more tips on how to ensure good oral hygiene during the holiday period that are available online which should help you to get the best out of the trip.

Tips to Keep Teeth Healthy Over the Holidays
Image Source: Pixabay

  • Take Extra Care – While it is great to windsurf and water ski, take extra care to avoid accidents, which might involve a dental emergency. Statistically speaking, we are more likely to have an accident when on holiday, as the surroundings are unfamiliar, and check that you and your family are covered on your holiday insurance for every eventuality. Emergency dental treatment is never cheap, and with a comprehensive family policy, you will have peace of mind.
  • Brushing After Eating – We all love to eat the delicious food when holidaying, and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the local cuisine, make sure you brush after every meal. If you are travelling and brushing is not possible, rinse your mouth with water, several times, which should ensure that most of the food particles are removed. Besides, you would have no problems finding a dentist in the Gold Coast, which is a very popular holiday destination.

Tips to Keep Teeth Healthy Over the Holidays
Image Source: Pixabay

  • Stay Hydrated – If you are thinking this has little to do with good oral hygiene, think again – as lack of water can cause your health to deteriorate, which would affect your teeth and gums. By drinking water regularly, your teeth and gums are being cleaned, especially if you are enjoying a few well-earned drinks.

By following the above advice, your oral hygiene needs will be covered, and you and the family can really let your hair down and spend some quality downtime with each other. In the event you do require emergency dental treatment, an online search should help you to locate a nearby dentist who can treat you.