Prostate Enlargement Treatment: Precautions To Take After TURP

Prostate Enlargement Treatment man in waiting room

Transurethral resection of the prostate, commonly known as TURP, is a surgical procedure used for the treatment of urinary issues that may arise because of an enlarged prostate. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is another word for prostate enlargement and this disorder most commonly affects men aged above 60 years.

TURP cost in India is one of the lowest in the world. It is a common, yet major operation following which patients must take a few precautions to fasten recovery.

The following are some of the precautions that the patients must take and consider during the initial recovery after TURP.

Early ambulation: Try to walk after the surgery, whenever possible. This will not only help restore normal function of the bowel early during the recovery phase but also relieve pressure, improve circulation, and prevent stiffness of the joints. Once the catheter has been removed, you should try to be out of bed at least six to seven times a day.

Scrotum support: Since you have undergone a major surgery involving the prostate, some bit of swelling in the scrotum is inevitable. To ease the discomfort, roll up a bath towel and place it just below the scrotum. Doing this while lying down or resting can eliminate the discomfort and put you at ease.

Avoid certain medications: Only take the medications as prescribed by the doctor. Avoid taking common medications such as non-steroidal analgesics and aspirin for at least six weeks after the surgery. These medications may increase the risk of bleeding and delay recovery after TURP. Consult the doctor if you have an excessive pain or discomfort.

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Abstinence: Refrain from getting involved in any kind of sexual activity for at least four weeks after the surgery. Doing so may worsen the discomfort and pain while delaying recovery.

Unusual bleeding: It is normal to observe some amount of blood in urine after the surgery. However, contact the doctor if the bleeding does not stop within a few hours.

Lost urinary control: It is normal to lose control over urination after the surgery. Dribbling is also common after TURP. The control over urination would come gradually. If needed, use an incontinence pad. Try to control and relax the urinary sphincter to speed up the return of control over urination.

Avoid getting constipated: Constipation can make things worse for you because of excessive straining. Therefore, it is necessary that you do everything to prevent constipation. Increase your fiber intake and drink more juices. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water.

Avoid bending and lifting: Urinary tract bleeding may result because of excessive bending of strenuous exercising. Therefore, refrain from such activities at least for a couple of weeks after TURP. If you need to bend, bend at your knees and not your waist.

Sitting style: If you must sit, sit on a recliner or lounge chair. Do not sit upright on a firm chair or stool for at least three weeks after the surgery. This will help avoid unnecessary and excessive pressure on the prostate gland.