The Truth About Vaping: It Can Help You Quit Smoking

The Truth About Vaping: It Can Help You Quit Smoking

The dangerous consequences of smoking are obvious and well-publicized, yet people keep doing it.

Why is that?

Because it’s so hard to quit.

The best way to prevent death from tobacco-related diseases is to not start smoking in the first place. For many people, it’s far too late for that option.

Fortunately, there is a way to quit smoking and lessen your risk of death from its effects- vaping.

You’ve probably heard about vaping by now. If you haven’t tried it or aren’t sure what it is, vaping is a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes.

The truth about vaping is that it has been proven to help you quit smoking. Keep reading for more information about vaping and how it can help you kick the habit.

What is Vaping?

Vaping is using an e-cigarette, which is a battery-powered device that heats a liquid to release aerosol vapor that is inhaled.

The liquid contains propylene glycol, flavorings, and nicotine. Companies like VaporDNA produce a variety of vape juices and accessories for you to choose from.

Vaping has fewer health risks than smoking cigarettes. They do not contain tobacco, filters, or paper. They also don’t burn like cigarettes.

Most people don’t call them e-cigarettes anymore. Vaping can be done without using nicotine which poses even less risk to your health.

The Truth About Vaping

The truth about vaping is that not only is it a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes, but it can also help you quit smoking.

While the ultimate goal is to quit using nicotine altogether, vaping is an effective stepping stone in that process. Users can choose the type of vaping juice they want to use.

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They can choose ones with nicotine or without and can even choose products with smaller amounts of nicotine than others.

A new study has proven that vaping can effectively help you quit smoking.

This study used 900 people who wanted to quit smoking. They gave half of the participants e-cigarettes and half nicotine replacement products like patches and gums.

The participants also received weekly individual counseling for four weeks. At the one year mark, participants were tested by measuring exhaled carbon monoxide to confirm smoking cessation.

The study found that twice as many of the participants who were assigned to vaping successfully quit smoking than those who used traditional nicotine replacement products.

Not only that but among those who had successfully quit, 80% of the vaping group had maintained their therapy and only 9% of the nicotine replacement group were still using the products.

Reported side effects from cigarette use like coughing and producing phlegm dropped in the group assigned to vaping. Ultimately, e-cigarette users were twice as successful at quitting smoking than nicotine replacement users.

Advocates of vaping have long stated that using e-cigarettes can help you quit smoking. This new study has proven these claims to be true.

Start Vaping Today

If you have been wanting to stop smoking, hopefully learning the truth about vaping has given you inspiration. Vaping will help you quit smoking and improve your health.

For tips on how to make the switch, check out this article.

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One Reply to “The Truth About Vaping: It Can Help You Quit Smoking”

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