Creating an Allergy Proof Home: 4 Common Indoor Allergens to Avoid

Creating an Allergy Proof Home: 4 Common Indoor Allergens to Avoid

Did you know that 60 million Americans deal with allergies? Their triggers range from pollen to pets to certain foods.

Indoor allergens are often the most complicated culprits. Without being able to identify them, you feel like you’re simply allergic to your home!

Luckily, there are four common indoor allergens that trigger most susceptible people. Keep reading to find out what they are and how to have an allergy proof home.

1. Dust Mites

Dust mites are tiny insects that live in the dusty areas of your home. They feed on dead cells from humans and pets, and mold. They’re so small you can’t see them without a magnifying glass or microscope.

These critters are major indoor allergens that can trigger asthma attacks and reactions.

To get rid of these irritating house guests, make sure you wash your linens in hot water weekly. Always use a damp cloth to dust surfaces as this absorbs the dust instead of pushing it elsewhere.

If possible, convert your home’s carpets and curtains to flooring and shutters. You can also buy a quality air purifier to more the dust and dust mites effectively

2. Mold Spores

Mold is a common fungus that grows in wet places, like in showers and around water pipes. Not only are spores bad to inhale, but they increase the intensity of your other allergies.

Ensure your home is mold-free by checking all damp places for it, especially in basements.

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If you find mold, use a mixture of water, dish detergent, and five percent bleach. Spray the mixture onto the mold and then pat dry. If the mold is still there, call a professional mold removal service.

You may also want to ensure you’re changing your home’s air filters regularly. Use HEPA filters to trap pollen and other allergens in the air. Visit Aircetera to find out which air purifiers are best for allergies.

3. Animal Dander

Don’t worry, you can still have a pet even if you’re allergic to pet dander! Dander is the dead skin cells that all furry or feathered pets shed.

For those who are allergic to pet dander, living in a home with a golden retriever simply isn’t bearable.

Luckily, there are many breeds of dogs that are hypoallergenic. That means the dog doesn’t shed their fur and thus, pet dander attached to the fur doesn’t take over your home.

If you must live with a pet who sheds, be prepared to vacuum constantly. Wear a mask when you clean and get yourself some allergy medication.

4. Cockroaches

You might be thinking, cockroaches aren’t allergens, they’re pests! And, you’re right. Cockroaches are pests who also happen to be allergens.

Cockroaches’ bodies contain a protein that is a common allergen to humans. Their saliva, waste, and body parts can all trigger allergic reactions.

Look for signs of cockroaches in your home, like droppings that look like coffee grounds. If you see any, call a professional pest control service.

Interested in Having an Allergy Proof Home?

You’re not alone! Millions of people suffer from allergies, specifically to indoor allergens.

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If you’re ready to have an allergy proof home, follow the tips in the article above. Keep a clean home and beware of common allergy triggers.

Then, check out the other articles in the Allergies section of our blog. The more you learn about your allergies, the more you can prevent allergic reactions from occurring.

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