What To Do If You Have a Sports Injury

post-workout recovery

Playing sports is a great way to get exercise while having fun with other athletes. However, there are times that you might get hurt while you are on the field or court. Following the correct protocol will help you feel better and get you back to competing. Here are a few steps to follow while rehabbing.

Rest the Injury

When you sustain an injury, you should leave the court or field where you are playing and rest. Continuing to compete could increase the damage. If you have ice available to you, make a pack out of it and set it on the affected area. Do this for fifteen minutes then take it off for the same amount of time. Repeat this process for a few hours. Take an anti-inflammatory medication to help with the pain and to assist with the swelling. You need to take a few days off to heal your body to prevent from aggravating it further.

See the Doctor

If your injury is still bothering you and you are in about as much pain as when it occurred, you need to make an appointment to see your doctor. The physician will evaluate the area where you are hurt and determine if you should continue to rest to recover or if additional tests should be done. They might order an X-ray, ultrasound, or MRI depending on where the damage is located and whether it might be muscular, your bones, or other parts of the anatomy. If the injury is severe, they will refer you on to an orthopedist to continue your care.

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Get Physical Therapy

Another option your physician might have is to send you for athletic therapy Burlington ON. The physical therapist will also go over the affected area to make their own deductions. They will then assign a variety of exercises for you to complete to help you strengthen the muscles around the injury. They will have you attempt what they have given you a couple of times before they send you home. They may also treat the area with ultrasound or other methods to provide a little relief from the pain.

How To Keep From Getting Injured

The best way to treat an injury is to keep yourself from getting hurt in the first place. Before you play, take a few moments to stretch your muscles. This helps the blood to flow through them and warms them up for the exercise you are about to do. Schedule time to get into a weight room or find strength and conditioning exercises to do.

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