Everyone would love a deep massage once in a while to relax after hard days. A massage after a tough workout reduces the muscle stiffness, improves range motion, and increases blood flow that leads to improved relaxation and recovery.
The benefits of a massage are easy to understand, but the time and expense of having a massage daily make scheduling one impossible for many. In this case, a home massage would come in handy and allow you to get a good massage as often as required.
This can only be possible if you use a massage chair. Some people doubt whether it works as well as those firm hands that squeeze you. It has been proven that a massage chair has the same effect as the physical massage, and has a greater impact on your overall health.
The benefits of a massage chair
1. Highly convenient – One of the biggest benefits of the massage chair is that you can access it any time you want. By having it in your home, you get to receive a massage that meets all your needs any time you schedule it. Post-workout massage comes in handy when you have this chair because ten minutes every day are enough to reduce inflammation and improve recovery. You are able to receive your massage fully clothed even as you catch up on your latest episode on the TV. You can schedule your massages to be as long, or as short as you want them so as to fit in your daily plan.
2. Provides adequate relaxation with frequent use – The massage chair reduces stress immediately. Just like a good workout, the massage chair produces the hormone endorphin which is a feel good hormone that is a healthy way to reduce the impact of daily stress both on your body, and your brain. Most massage chairs offer options that allow heating areas of the body that further boosts the relaxation benefits.
3. Improves your post-workout recovery – A post-workout massage always improves your recovery. A massage reduces the production of cytokines that play a vital role in inflammation. Massage also stimulates the mitochondria that convert glucose into the energy that is essential for cell function and repair.
4. Eliminates back pain – Most massage chairs provide options that focus on specific areas of the body. They can be used for a lumbar massage that increases circulation, as well as mobility in the lower back. They can also go a long way in improving lower back pain that results from muscular overuse and instability.
5. It boosts immunity – Inflammation works against your immune system because it is working overtime to keep the body fit. The massage provides better cellular functions and repair that are vital to the immune system.
How do you use your massage chair?
Now that you understand the benefits you will get while using a massage chair, it is best to learn how to use it. When you buy your massage chair from a store like the masahepanda.com, it comes with pre-programmed settings that range from deep tissue massage, to therapeutic massage. You only need to set your massage chair according to your needs, and it will grant you your request.