Weekend Prep + Diet Progress + Couples Walk + Chest Flyes + Stir-Fry – He and She Fitness

Weekend Prep + Diet Progress + Couples Walk + Chest Flyes + Stir-Fry

I discuss our upcoming plans for the weekend as well as the progress of the diet. In addition, Rachael and I get a nice walk in outside and we come back to a Bowflex workout for chest using the cable fly exercise. Finally, I prep up a delicious super-trim stew meat stir-fry for dinner.

Stir-Fry Ingredients:
– 1lb super trim stew beef
– 1lb stir-fry vegetables (frozen)
– 1/4 cup vegetable oil
– 1tsp raw organic honey
– 1tbsp soy sauce
– ginger
– toasted Asian sesame dressing
– salt
– pepper

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